Perception of stress is highly individualized. Something that seems to turn your friend in to a nervous wreck may not disturb you at all, and vice versa. Think of the audience of a horror movie, with some relishing every gory thrill, others covering their eyes and wishing they were anywhere but here, and the rest falling somewhere in between. In short, its not external events that are stressful, but your perception of them. This gives you the power to change the things you perceive as stressful.
Just as the things that cause tension vary from person to person, so do effective techniques for stress management. Some people find meditation dull and annoying; others find it enjoyable and refreshing. Still others find half-hour jog or half an hour in front of the television a great way to combat stress. You will have to find out what works for you. The best advice is to develop a "smorgasbord" of stress-busters.
Here is a list of practical techniques you can choose from alleviate some of the stress in your life:
1.) Seek out a caring network - A feeling of connection, of caring attachment to other people will help you deal with stress more effectively.
2.) Have serenity to accept what you cannot change - The world is full of things that we as individuals don't have the power to alter.
3.) Have the courage to change the things you can - especially at work - Having said that you can't control everything around you, it is also true that if you have some power over certain key areas of your life particularly your job, you may be better able to deal with stress.
4.) Develop a sense of why your life holds meaning - Having a clear understanding of what you can and do accomplish in your life can help you manage your stress.
5.) Run Away - Three 20 minutes session of aerobic exercise a week can help keep your mind and body healthy and energetic.
6.) Don't take a coffee break - Don't take a cigarette break, either. Instead, take breaks to enjoy few calming deep breaths.
7.) Turn the devil on your shoulder into an angel - The things we say to ourselves can either heighten or lessen the tension of a situation
8.) Laugh it off - Humor helps us keep things in perspective and avoid the stress we feel when we blow problems out of proportion.
9.) Make your mental health a top priority - In the same study of stress resistant people, all said that they set aside 10 to 15 minutes each day to do something relaxing.
10.) Clean up your finances - Financial problems are common source of stress
11.) Reprioritize - In our society we often feel pressured to attain wealth, power and success along with the great personal and family life.
12.) Ask for Help - When things get out of control, seek good advice from the best sources you can.
13.) Use your breath to help you control stress - When stressful situation arises, try talking steady, slow abdominal breaths to cool off so that you can think more clearly.
14.) Don't turn allies into scapegoats - If you're having trouble at work, taking it out on your family and friends won't solve anything. Focus your energy on understanding the problem areas in your life and working to improve them.
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